Can We Drink Cold Drink After Mango? Debunking Myths and Exploring Facts

The scorching heat of summer often leads us to crave refreshing beverages, with mangoes and cold drinks being among the top choices. 

However, there’s a long-standing belief that consuming cold drinks immediately after eating mangoes can have adverse effects on our health. 

Can we drink cold drink after mango? Yes, consuming a cold drink after eating mango is generally safe. There’s no scientific evidence to support claims of adverse effects. Personal preference matters, but moderation in both choices is key to a balanced diet.

can we drink cold drink after mango

Can we drink cold drink after mango?

Debunking the Myth

There’s a widespread misconception that drinking cold beverages right after consuming mangoes can cause various health issues, such as stomachaches, indigestion, and even skin problems. 

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Our digestive system is designed to handle a variety of temperatures and textures, and the timing of consuming different foods and beverages doesn’t necessarily impact digestion negatively.

Mango and Digestion

Mangoes are rich in dietary fiber, enzymes, and antioxidants that are beneficial for digestion. 

They contain enzymes like amylases, which aid in breaking down carbohydrates, and various dietary fibers that promote a healthy gut. 

These components actually assist in digestion, contradicting the notion that consuming mangoes followed by cold drinks would lead to digestive problems.

Cold Drinks and Body Temperature

It’s essential to note that the human body maintains a constant internal temperature regardless of the temperature of the foods and beverages we consume. 

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Cold drinks might provide a temporary sensation of coolness, but they don’t have a lasting effect on our core body temperature. 

Thus, concerns about drinking cold drinks after mangoes causing “heartiness” are largely unfounded.

Timing and Moderation: Making Informed Choices

Optimal Consumption Sequence

While there is no scientific basis for the mango-cold drink myth, some individuals might prefer consuming mangoes before cold drinks due to personal taste preferences. 

Cold drinks can sometimes diminish the flavor of mangoes, and having them after mangoes might provide a more satisfying taste experience. 

However, this is a matter of personal preference rather than a health concern.

Balancing Nutritional Intake

Both mangoes and cold drinks can be a part of a balanced diet when consumed in moderation. 

Mangoes offer a range of essential nutrients, including vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. Cold drinks, on the other hand, can be high in added sugars and empty calories. 

Moderation is key to reaping the benefits of mangoes while not overloading on sugary beverages.

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Hydration and Quenching Thirst

During hot weather, staying hydrated is crucial. While cold drinks can provide immediate refreshment, they might not be as effective at hydrating the body as plain water or natural fruit juices. 

Consuming water-rich foods like mangoes can also contribute to your hydration needs.

Opting for Natural Variants

If you’re concerned about the sugar content in cold drinks, consider opting for natural alternatives. 

Freshly squeezed fruit juices, infused water, or homemade smoothies can provide a healthier and more nutritious alternative to store-bought sugary beverages.

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The idea that consuming cold drinks immediately after eating mangoes is harmful lacks scientific substantiation. 

Both mangoes and cold drinks can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, provided that moderation is exercised. 

The key to maintaining good health lies in making informed choices, considering personal preferences, and paying attention to overall nutritional intake. 

So, the next time you relish a juicy mango on a scorching day, feel free to reach for a cold drink afterward without worrying about any adverse health effects.


Is it true that drinking cold beverages after eating mango can lead to stomachaches? 

There’s no scientific evidence supporting this claim. Our digestive system handles various temperatures well, so consuming cold drinks after mango is unlikely to cause stomachaches.

Can I have a cold drink after consuming mango to cool down my body? 

While cold drinks provide temporary cooling, they don’t significantly affect body temperature. Opt for hydrating options like water or natural fruit juices for better cooling effects.

Are there any health benefits to eating mangoes and having cold drinks together? 

Mangoes offer nutrients like vitamins and fiber, while cold drinks can be refreshing. However, moderation is key, as cold drinks might contain added sugars and excess calories.

Should I wait a certain amount of time between eating mango and having a cold drink? 

There’s no specific waiting period needed. You can enjoy both as per personal preference. If concerned about taste, consider having cold drinks after mangoes to maintain their flavor.

Are there alternatives to store-bought cold drinks if I want something refreshing? 

Absolutely. Try natural options like freshly squeezed fruit juices, infused water, or homemade smoothies. These provide a healthier and more nutritious alternative to sugary cold drinks.

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